Sunday, September 1, 2013

Building an Incredible You

For my high schooler........

There is a whole world out there. Enjoy it. Your ipod, your phone, your laptop, and your kindle will all be waiting if you decided to take a walk through the orchard, go swimming or do something productive, like chores.

Your phone is a privilege. As is your car. If you don't do things to ensure that you are "earning" them, they will be removed. (good grades, keeping up with chores, paying your share, etc..)  If you abuse the privileges you have been given, they will removed. If these items are essential to you, you need to remember just how quickly they can be taken away. A simple lesson in give and take. Mother and father will giveth today, but wrong us tomorrow, we'll taketh away.

We understand that you might be interested in "dating".  Meet em', get to know em', and bring em' to us. Don't get to know them by text messaging.....That isn't real, and you can't expect to really "know" someone by what they text you. PS - Our home phone works just fine, if you forgot.

Studying and homework are SO important. If you get invited somewhere with friends, but you know you have school work, please make the right choice. Your future depends on how hard you continue to work through high school.

Don't judge a book by it's cover - In other words, know someone before you make a character judgment on them. Your worst enemy could one day be your best friend.

Get involved! Join a group, whether it be sports or a club or something else, that encourages teamwork, and allows you to build new friendships.

Listen. Listen to what is happening around you. Listen to what people say. Listen to HOW they say it. Listen to something other than your ipod.

Find your passion. This kind of goes along with getting involved, too. It might be in a club, or a theater group, or a music group. But, find something that YOU love to do and put your heart and soul into it!

Remember you are a big sister. Your younger siblings look up to you, believe it or not. They see you as this older, beautiful person they someday want to be. What you teach them, what you show them, is imprinted in their minds, and that's what they'll keep with them. Remember this if you're thinking about saying or doing something that may be inappropriate.

Communication is key. Express your feelings, talk about current events, and ask questions when you have them....Pretty simple, actually.

Follow the Golden Rule. If you don't know it by now, you haven't be listening to me for the past 15 years. (see "Listen" above)

Be YOU. Don't let others dictate how you act, what you say or what you think.

Use good judgment. You are at the age where everything could go awry with one little misstep. Analyze the situations you get in to, think about the repercussions for actions that you are deliberating, and think about how you, or anyone else for that matter, could be affected by words you say and things you do.

And finally, have fun. All these little "pieces of advice" that I've left for you here are just little ways to help you along the way of having a great time in high school. It is hard work, but if you're working, playing, singing, recording, writing, painting or hanging out with friends, the combination of it all will make some pretty incredible memories for you.

Have faith that we, your parents, know what's in your best interest. We've been there!! We've done this before, and we know how to make it easier this go-round. Just three more years, and you're off to college. THESE are the years that will build an incredible YOU............

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