Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sleep well.......

It's not easy to think when I'm tired. In fact, it's not easy to do anything when I'm tired - Which is how I feel today. The past couple of weeks have been very interesting at night. Most of the time, miss Rayla wakes up for reasons unknown, and the work begins in trying to find a way to console her. Whether it be a cup of milk, her dubbie (pacifier), or her favorite blankie, it's honestly a battle in guesses until that one thing hushes her cries. Ugh. It's like babyhood all over again....But, I think there's a little bit of manipulation going on now. Whatever it is, I sure hope we can resolve it soon. I miss sleeping through the night........

I remember that as a teenager, and even into my early twenties, I couldn't stand the taste of coffee. I knew that people drank it for the caffeine mostly, but, I couldn't figure out why - I mean, it tasted awful!! That was until I met Corey, who was a coffee King if there ever was one. Not long after we started dating did I latch on to coffee, much like a newborn to her mommy. I needed it constantly, wanted it when I couldn't have it, and if I wasn't at home and had a craving, found a coffee shack to make me a flavorful concoction of caffeine and sugar. I've come to the conclusion that it's an adult thing - And since we're all of an addictive nature in general, we can drink coffee all the coffee we want without feeling bad about it. And I do - Drink a lot, I mean. But, with the lack of sleep I've been getting lately, it's no wonder I haven't just taken over the local Starbucks. My poor tummy!

Aside from waking up to a child's bad dream cry, the dreaming dog's "woop, woop", or the middle of the night fever and tummy aches, life is grand. I sat in the living room last night with the littles and watched them play dress up in each others clothes - The girls are fascinated with Cooper's shoes and coats, and I find them attempting to wear them in play quite often. The personalities are shining through like a blinding sun, and some days I wonder how in the world I'm going to manage them all. And still, I babysit another child for a friend of mine three or four days a week. I know, you must all think I'm crazy, and I'm sure it's been a topic of conversation among a friend or two. But, it's really okay! The kids play well together for the most part, and when they don't, the timeout chair is a really FUN place to be. For me, at least!

I still haven't brightened up any since last year when I ranted about my stupidity of taking all my kids grocery shopping. Here's a good one: I took all my kids yesterday AND the kid I babysit! How's that for royal stupidity? Actually, THANK GOD, they were all fantastic, and just honked their little horns on that massive semi truck they call a shopping cart. They had fun - But getting them back in that damn car was something else. I have never had trouble getting them from cart to car, until yesterday. I'm pretty sure that all four children looked much like a bunch of possessed monkeys, screaming, kicking and flailing about like retarded fish! It was some workout getting them all in the car, one.....at......a......time....... lol.

Not all days are like that. Lucky for me, they did that outside, as we were leaving, and not inside, when we had just arrived. That would have sucked for me, and everyone else in that store.

We recently invested in the ultimate parenting tool - A minivan! Yeah, we had to down
grade from the monster Sequoia we drove to a more reasonable minivan for the young years in our children's lives. I think that had we only had 2 children, the Sequoia would have been great. But with 4 children, it was such a task to load and unload! Now, we all walk to the car, they climb in the car, and we sit and buckle. Easy, peasy, Japanesey! hehe. After looking long and hard, we decided on a Dodge Grand Caravan SXT. It's red, and I love it - As do the kids. With the dual DVD screens it's such a nice time when we get in the car! You'd wonder why they freaked out yesterday after shopping! It's quite possible they crapped and I just didn't know it..... The smell of the french fries at the nearby McDonald's can be so overwhelming at times!

A couple of weeks ago my great grandma Alberta passed away. She was 88 years old. For once in a long while, the passing of someone was not accompanied by days and weeks of sadness. She was ready to go, and after so many "last visits" to the hospital, we were ready, too. Sure, it was sad that she passed, but we all know that she's in a better place. Whether you're a Christian, like she was, and believe that she's gone to Heaven to live an eternal life, or whether you're Atheist and believe that she's gone and that's that, I think we can all agree that since she's no longer suffering, it's okay that she's gone. It was so nice to share stories and see smiles in her memory at her funeral. And, the people that came from all over the US to say goodbye was so wonderful - I know she would have loved it. But, man, I'm going to miss those cinnamon rolls!! :)

At Grandma's funeral the congregation sang songs, and recited scripture. It was like I was sitting at her house - But then again, she called her church her home. So, I guess it was fitting. We finished her service by reciting the Lords Prayer with one change she made often:

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,

the power and the glory,

for ever and ever.


Rest in peace grandma.....and say hi to Bobbie for me!

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