Sunday, March 16, 2014

Share that, mom!

Today I decided to ask my kids what I should write about. Although the answers themselves are no surprise, the context of the answers is what keeps this sitcom REAL!

Me: Cooper, what should I write about today?
Cooper: Me. You should always write about me. Because it's fun. And, because I'm cool. And, I keep my sisters safe, most of the time.
Me: You're one funny kid, aren't you buddy? And, you ARE cool.

Me: Mackenzie, what do you think?
Mac: Me.
Me: Why?
Mac: Because, I like myself.
Me: That's it?
Mac: Isn't that enough?
Me: (Silent laughing, because, although it was funny as heck, she was serious as could be)

Me: Rayla, what do you think I should write about?
Ray: Me. And Mackenzie. All about our birthday. It's in 4 days, you know, mom. That's only 4 sleeps from now. You need to write about that and tell everyone about our day. We're going to blow our candles out as a family. We're going to share our birthday with everyone!! It's going to be great, and fun and everyone will eat cake and open presents!!!!!!!! (This Ramble started gentle, but was a roaring pile of excitement by the time she got to presents)

Mac: Yeah, you should tell everyone I like princesses. Share that with everyone, mom!!
Me: ((laughing hysterically, not silently this time, as I just couldn't hold it in))

I miss these days!!

And, so it is....I have blogged about their birthday. Cooper gets honorable mention for his witty response, but this week is about the twins. My sweet Rayla has such a heart....even on her birthday, if others are happy, she's happy. I LOVE that trait. Mac isn't as empathetic as Rayla, but she's quick, and witty like Cooper, and together those girls make a perfect team.

T-minus 4 days until the twins are 5.
T-minus 7 days until the oldest is 16.

I should plan something.

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