Monday, May 21, 2012

What are fingers for?

Have you ever experimented with your child and asked them random questions just to see what their answers would be? We're funny that way, and we have, several times over. But, as the children get older, and have a better understanding of what goes on around them, their answers have become more and more interesting, almost to the point that we think that they're honestly trying to be comedians. Allow me to share some of our most recent questions and answers from our children:

Questions asked to Cooper:

What is your chin used for?
~To keep your teeth from falling out.

What's does your belly button do?
~It makes you breathe. The air goes in your belly button and out your nose. 

What does your hair do?
~ It gets spiked.

What do boobs do?
~They tip you over. Sometimes they hold you up. (I can only assume that he's specifically referring to me, although I don't know that I've ever expressed my discern in front of him. Maybe it's just painfully obvious.)

What do brains do?
~Math. And writing. Sometimes my brain does both, especially at school. (Can't ask for better than that!)

What do fingers do?
~They help us count. And they help us wipe our butts after we poop. 
(Okay. Didn't expect that)

What does dad do?
~Nothing (Rayla)
~He breaks stuff. He builds stuff. He poops. He plays guitar. (Cooper)
~He poops. He breaks stuff. And he plays his guitar to me at night (Mackenzie)
     (I have to be honest; I have no idea where the "breaks stuff" comes in. He does do the other, however.)

What does mom do?
~Pet dogs. (Cooper)
~Yells at people. (Mackenzie)
~Makes us go to the store, and doesn't give us treats. (Rayla and Cooper; Can't argue that)

Questions asked to Rayla:

What is your belly for?
~For eating

What is your hair for?
~For eating.

What are your fingers for?
~For using to eat with. 

(I see some future problems here.)

Questions asked to Mackenzie:

What is your nose for?

What are fingers for?
~Gettin' boogies out.

What are your toes for?
~Kicking water in the bath.

What is your hair for?
~Holding clips

What is your tongue for?
~Licking frogs. But, it's yucky.  (Oh, boy)

Love those babies, quirky answers and all! However, I do hope, in discovering that these are the answers my children reply with, that Rayla doesn't eat her hair, Cooper makes sure to use TP on his fingers when wiping, and Mackenzie doesn't really lick frogs. Maybe I just shouldn't ask things of them anymore, as the answers might freak me out a little more than I expect!

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