Thursday, March 1, 2012

You can't do that standing up!

I am momentarily taking a break from one of, in my opinion, the worst parts of parenting little ones. The snot. Yes, all three little ones are currently drowning in snotsville, and, though we're trying to get the whole blowing your nose thing down, it's still a disgusting mess. Actually, for some reason, this time around I'm not doing so bad. In the past I've been known to gag, walk away and even vomit. Snotty noses are not my strong suit! At the current moment I have them all lathered in Vicks BabyRub...So I'm not completely sure how much of that shiny stuff on their faces is Vicks, and what's snot. Here's to hoping it ends soon so I don't have to be question it!

Next week we will be registering Cooper for Kindergarten. YIKES!! I can't believe that he's almost 5, and that he'll be in "big kid" school. Just doesn't seem real. I guess it's even harder to believe that the girls will be in preschool this Fall. Oh, Boy......Double trouble for those poor teachers! Cooper's preschool teacher has been so wonderful in helping him to get ready for Kindergarten, and we're absolutely excited for him to take on this new adventure. I must say, though, that whomever his teacher will be is going to be in for an intellectual treat with this boy. He's smart, but, not just brain smart. He's Corey smart. And, for those of you who know him, you know what I mean. There's a genius inside that brain that, not only can do math without using fingers or writing anything down, but can be witty, spontaneous and absolutely hysterical. My last post included his recent quip about smelling his fingertips - Yeah, he came up with that all on his own. And recently, we were asked if we could make our faces all grand up. "What?," We asked. "Grand up!"....."Like this!" And, he shows us a scrunched up face with a big smile. "What in the world does "Grand up" mean?," I asked. "You know! Granned up.......LIKE GRANNY!" He was making a wrinkly face to represent his great grandma! Oh, how we laughed for hours!

My twins will be three in three weeks. It has been a ride, let me tell you! I'm exhausted, I'm fat, I'm worn and lonely - But, I survived the babyhood! We're potty training these girls now, and many times over I've been ready to just forget it and let them wear diapers. In recent weeks I finally just dug my heels in and have been diligently working with them to get this right. Girls are so much harder than boys, and, when there's two to train, it's a nightmare. Going anywhere is ridiculous, as they always have to go 5 minutes AFTER we've left the bathroom. Or, they have to go 5 minutes AFTER we get in the car and are driving somewhere. They never have to go at the same time, and they never want to go when I tell them to. I sing, I dance (not well), I cheer, I exude thrills, I screech, I clap and I jump (again, not well) all for the hopes of promoting great feelings of a job well done. And, just when I think we've got it down, I end up changing 4 more pull ups than I did the previous day on each child. It will get better. It will get easier. It will be okay. If I keep telling myself this, it will be....I hope! And, because the only other person they see using the bathroom, besides me, is their brother, they have this undying desire to try to pee standing up. It just doesn't work that way for girls, and they don't get that yet.

Regarding that "lonely" comment I made above - Being a stay at home mom is by far the most isolating thing I've ever encountered. Aside from the few days in between I've been able to get away, I have been "home bound" for almost 1095 straight days. "Holy shit that's a long time!!" My day job is my night job. It's the hardest work I've ever done without question. But, it's also the most rewarding job I've ever held. No, I don't get recognized as "Employee of the month." I don't get raises. I don't get material rewards. But, I do get what so many mother's wish they had; The opportunity to be there for my kids when they need me. I get to decide what's right for them. I get to teach them to read. I get to be there when they go to the potty without help. I get to be here for them all day, every day and in every way they need me to be...... even to hesitantly assist in the removal of the greenest of snot balls!

And, off I go...because, though normally it would be cleaning of some sort that keeps me running in this house, today, it's snot.

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