Saturday, September 24, 2011

Things just keep getting curiouser and curiouser...

A few weeks ago my children were playing dress up. Rayla grabbed a fairy dress and began to dress herself up. Mackenzie wanted that outfit and was suddenly quite upset. I went to the dress up box and pulled out a red silk kimono. I told her to come to me and we'd dress her up as a queen. She adamantly refused stating "No! I want to be a princess! No like queen! Princess has pretty pink dress!" Now, as I sit there laughing with a slight frustration behind it I decided that maybe it's a good thing she doesn't want to be a queen. I mean, for all they know mommy is the Queen - maybe they should just keep thinking that it's supposed to be that way!

The girls found my mascara in my purse last week, and decided to "decorate" themselves. Kenzie actually claimed to try to look like a "kitty." She did pretty well, considering. And, Rayla just want to look like that princess that they so love. Although they did manage to get some of the mascara on their face, the pictures don't show that they also painted their arms, their hands, their legs and feet.

Heaven knows how they managed to keep it off carpet!!

That got me thinking: What in the world could possibly make my girls think that Queens are bad? I have three answers: Alice in Wonderland, Snow White and, well, me! I know that Disney has other Queens, but no Queen in any movie has an impact like the Queen of Hearts or the Queen in Snow White....and they're not nice. So, when my children have occasionally called me Queen, I reveled in it, not thinking about the fact that the only other Queens they've seen are evil, mean and nasty. I now have a deeper understanding for what they mean when they call me "The Queen."

Children are beautiful, smart, witty and somehow know just what to say to make a memorable impression. They understand us beyond anything we can imagine. They hear us, they copy us, they love us and they mock us. If you watch your children closely whilst in a lunatic state, I bet they're shooting off words or actions that they've inauspiciously heard from you while you didn't think they were paying any attention. They do listen, and they pay close attention. And, they're so smart that they know how to make you think they don't know what you're saying. Oh, those deceitful children!!

White at the dinner table yesterday at mealtime, we began a discussion with the three youngest children to see what responses we would get.
Corey: Okay, Cooper, who's faster? Mac or Ray?
Cooper: I am!
Cara: Well, we know you're fast Cooper, but, what about your sisters?
Cooper: Rayla's faster.
Rayla: I am!
Corey: Who's smarter?

Cooper: I am!
Rayla: I am!
Cara: Who's nicest?
Cooper and Ray in unison: I am!
Mackenzie: I am!
Corey: Who's the naughtiest?
Cooper and Rayla in unison: Not me!!

We then look over to find that Mackenzie has lowered her head. Her little chin is touching her chest, but her eyes have the orneriest look I've ever seen in them.

Corey: Mackenzie? Are you the naughtiest?
Mackenzie in very low voice, with an accepting smile and her angry eyes: Yes.....

Naturally, the laughter in our house exploded! They did understand! Another thing they understand is that naughty and nice list IS real, and they will do anything in their power to stay on that nice list, or get back on it if they should fall into the naughty list. Tee hee..... That's right folks, we threaten em' with Christmas presents......all.....year.......long. But, it works.

The children's curiosity level is set to high at the moment. Everything they
see must be investigated. Every drawer in this house has been opened. Every closet has been stared at. Ever piece of clothing has been pulled out of dressers and thrown around. Every paper has been wrinkled or torn, just to see what it does. Every button has been pressed. And, every nerve has been tested. Many of the curiosity expeditions are of good nature, but, some are just down right wrong. Toilet fishing? Yeah, seen that.
Pulling off outlet covers to see what they can stick into them? Yep, nearly had a heart attack over that. Dropping mom's wedding ring into a full garbage to see where it goes. Oh, looking through a full garbage for a wedding ring is FUN!! There's honestly no telling what else they've put in that garbage - I just happened to be chasing Rayla to get that ring back when she ran straight to the garbage with it, so I SAW it. A few weeks ago the children found a tree frog on our back deck - Rayla became immediately fascinated with it, and wouldn't let it out of her sight. She chased it back and forth for a while, but then when he headed toward the edge of the deck she decided she needed a closer look. She went around and spied it until I called her away. Curiosity like that is endearing, wonderful and the type of thing that I support ten fold. Fishing for crap, not so much.

So until next time, I'm going to go and help my children find something fascinating to envelope their minds. I'm also going to put some children in time out for thinking they can pull a three stooges slap act.......Oh, Lord, I think I need a drink.

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