Friday, February 18, 2011

I had a funny thought......

Life throws us curve balls - Some we catch, some we drop and some we just miss altogether.
But the joys of life are found right within the walls of our own homes. I have decided to share with you all some of the thoughts that go through my mind in this house - Many of them are repetitive thoughts, and some of them are actual things, said or done by one or more of our family members. I believe I have a sense of humor, and the thoughts I get sometimes reinforce that belief. Lucky for me, everyone in this house has a sense of humor in one way or another. And, heaven knows, I don't think we'd be where we are today if we hadn't laughed our way through some of our experiences.

1.) It doesn't matter whether you tell your teenage daughter that she looks beautiful. She's always going to change her clothes, re-do her hair and put on more makeup.

2.)When your son grabs his crotch and dances around he HAS to pee. Even if he fusses and says he doesn't have to go, he does. He may fight you until he cries, but the moment he's at the pot, he'll go.

3.) The apron is a part of a mom's wardrobe. All my children will expect to see me in it, as will their friends, their friends mothers, my friends, and maybe even my friends mothers.

4.) Doing the dishes means all of them...not just the few in the sink. The ones on the counter next to the sink are included.

5.) How is it possible to lose a pacifier EVERY SINGLE DAY?

6.) My son says I'm old and fat. My daughter says I'm beautiful and not so fat. My husband says he loves me just the way I am. I think he agrees with both of them.

7.) Sometimes every detail really counts - And when I say to put the clothes that are in the washer in to the dryer, that usually means to turn the dryer on as well.

8.) Wadding up the clothes and throwing them in a basket is NOT the same as folding them.

9.) Super Mario Bros. is not real.......You really don't have to stay up to keep playing the game so that you will save the princess. She'll still be there tomorrow....and however long it takes to finish the game.

10.) It pains me at 11pm to see that though the dishes may have been done, and the counters are nicely cleaned, the stove top is still covered with pots and pans still full of food that never got put away in leftover containers.

11.) Yelling at me only makes me want to scream at you. I'm your mother, not your enemy.... But I can be if you keep it up!

12.) "Cooper, you must hold my hand while we walk through the parking lot - Once we're inside, you can walk alone". "But, said when we're at Walmart I don't have to hold your hand. We're here....See? The sign says W-A-L-".........."Yes, Cooper, I know. But there aren't any cars to run you over in the store.....just out here in the parking lot so you need to hold my hand". "But, there are carts, mom.....And we always crash the carts in the store...same-same!!"

Why must my three year old analyze EVERYTHING I say??

13.) I'm sorry is not just something you say for the heck of it. So, until you figure out the real meaning of "I'm sorry" you can shove your sorries in a sock, Missy.

14.) The living room is an ever changing work of art. It's quite possible that even the spiders get lost in here, as often as it changes. Maybe one day I'll remember what it's like to sit in one spot for any length of time.

15.) If we're out of dog food, tell me before we're out so that I can pick some up at the store. It's no fun to get informed that "we're out of dog food" at 8pm, when I was at the store this morning.

16.) Your ipod headphones are NOT designed for you to blast the music loud enough to hear it without having the headphones on. That completely defeats the purpose.

17.) When I say it's time for bed, that means get ready for and GO to sleep. It does not mean it's time to write a story, read your books, listen to your music or sneak a TV show.

18.) My girls are ready for potty training. But it just dawned on me that they think going "potty" means flushing the toilet. It doesn't help that our toilet water is a pretty blue!

19.) If I say my blood pressure is up, don't tell me something bad.

20.) You're right honey - you're always right. And I'll leave it at that. Because if I went on to discuss this any further I may get so frustrated that I'll honestly believe it.

Share your laughter with those you love - See the humor in everyday life. A laugh shared between anyone, even yourself, speaks so much louder than words. So laugh.....cause' you can.

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