Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy Halloween

YAY! It's fall, the leaves are turning, the air is cool and the hint of Halloween is in the air - Literally. Our burn ban is over and the valley smells of freshly blown out pumpkin candles for a good part of each morning...... I love it!

This past weekend Corey and I headed to the coast for a much needed getaway. We haven't been anywhere for enjoyment for months. Corey's mom stayed at our house with the kids so we could go. What a Godsend she is!! We decided to change it up a little and went to two locations instead of settling in for the weekend in one spot. Our first night was spent in Lincoln City - Mostly for the mall and the casino. No luck at the casino this time. But, we were only there long enough to get a dry throat from the smoke that swirled around the room. I'm not complaining - But usually there are several hours of play that go on with us. Just, not this time! :)

We did tour the North Oregon Coast in an attempt to find a good place to take our family in the future. We found our gem - Nice, little community, stores, restaurants and tons of beach for the family to play on. I even got to see the attempts at surfing made by a couple of obvious amateurs - I'm no surfer, but I'm thinking that as much as these guys were off their boards more than on made it pretty easy to identify them as "beginners." Our visit to the Tillamook Cheese Factory was fast, but worth it. The ice cream we had was better than we'd ever had. I'm sure it was fresher than we ever had, too.

Our last night was spent in Cannon Beach. Corey rented a room that was oceanfront, quiet and we had prime views of the storm that was hitting the Oregon coast. We drank tea, sat in front of the fire and watched the ocean - The waves crashing onto shore and pounding into the rocks was such a beautiful sight. I've loved the ocean since I was young, and I can't imagine life without getting to see it at least once a year. In Cannon Beach there's a hotel called the Stephanie Inn, which is graced with a 4 star, top notch restaurant which requires advance reservations to get in. This night that we got to go is our second trip there. The first time was 9 years ago when Corey and I were still dating. It was nice to go back and relive that part of his "wooing". Teehee. This dinner is 4 course with an Amuse Bouche - Food critics know the term - and each time we've gone the food is the best ever. Praiseworthy on all levels! Worth every penny. The wine we had was fantastic, but, I'm thinking I had more than I realized. On the way back to our room it was dark and rainy, but I could see the shadowed outline of a rock - I looked to Corey and said (slurred, I'm sure), "Look, Honey - It's Stacksock Rock!" Now, for all you well traveled Oregonians, you know there's no such thing as "Stacksock Rock." What I meant to say was "Haystack Rock." That's quite different, isn't it? And, as I exited the car back at our room I noticed that the ground I stepped on to was a little softer than the asphalt I should have been walking in. Apparently, not only does a little excess alcohol affect your speech, it also affects your balance - I found myself walking in the flowers next to where we parked. Oopsy daisies! A trip on my heels, a stumble through the door and we're home! Shoes off, jammies on and we both snuggled on the couch and listened to the storm.

Earlier that evening before dinner we decided to go walking on the beach during low tide to see if we could find any clams. NO, we didn't have gear. But, we were just looking. There was nobody else on the beach. You'd think "how romantic," right? Well, there was a reason there wasn't anybody else there. The wind was blowing at 75 miles an hour, the rain was pouring down AND it was dark. Yes, friends, we were that couple out there in the elements while many people, I'm sure, stared in awe and exclaimed "Those idiots!!" I mean, who in their right mind would venture out in a storm with a high tide and wave warning......IN THE DARK??? Us! And, it was fun! We both got windburned and rain smacked, but I got to experience something that I've never done. As I leaned into the wind with my arms out, the wind was blowing so hard that it held me up! Yeah, big momma here was flying! Such a memory!

I also got to be the epitome of stupid wife on the trip. As we arrived in Seaside Corey began looking for a place to park. I wasn't really paying attention to where we were, but when he parked somewhere I asked him "Why are you parking so far away?" Frustrated, my dear hubby drove around for ten minutes trying to find a closer spot. When I had said that to him, I was unaware that we were only on the next block from the strip. When he finally parked it was a good block and a half from the strip, even further from where we started. Needless to say, he gave me shit for that for a while, well deserved. Oops!

We are now back at home and back in the daily grind. On our trip we did pick up the children's Halloween costumes. It wasn't what we originally planned, but absolutely adorable! Just last week Cooper sat with us at the table and said to us "For Halloween I wanna be a bitch!" We couldn't find that costume, or the "witch" costume that he had meant to say, but his Monkey is much happier than the scarier choices he originally made.

The storm is blowing outside, the leaves are dancing all around and the rain is coming at us sideways today. I'm okay with that - I LOVE storms! In Oregon I can say that, cause' they're never as bad as Kansas! And, as long as it isn't bad on Halloween, I'll be happy.

So, from our family to yours, everyone have a safe and happy Halloween!!

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