Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The consequence

Under normal circumstances I would refer to myself as a "slacker" for not blogging for nearly two months. However, truth be told, it's not being a slacker that has prevented me from sitting down to blog. It's being a stay at home mother of four children that requires me to prioritize my time, my chores and my own extra curricular activities. Blogging comes last in my list of "to do's" and I do miss it, as it's sort of a way to vent when I need to be honest about things.

March, April and May are always full of parties and celebrations of some sort. The birthday season in the Yasui family kicks off on March 2 and continues weekly, sometimes bi-weekly, until the end of May. Niko and Kathy's daughter will be the only person to have a June birthday, and she'll probably enjoy that. It's really crazy that there are so many birthdays during that time mostly because all of my children and my husband have their birthdays during this short period of time. Seriously, it's like I have to be an event planner for a couple months in order to keep up with the productions at hand. Next week, Kim, Maija and I will be hosting Kathy's baby shower - I even ordered up some personalized M&M's, color coordinated and all, to give as gifts to the guests of the shower. I'm so excited for her and I think she'll be thrilled.

These months present a requirement for some serious prioritization on my part, and a responsibility to complete everything that needs to be done. For the most part, I do this, and do it well. Unfortunately, my daughter has not learned how important this is, and is currently suffering the consequences of her actions. We have a rule in this house when it comes to sports: Do your schoolwork, keep up the good grades and be open and honest with us. Do these things, you play. Fall behind in any way, and you lose the privilege of playing sports. One month ago Katie brought home a report card with all A's and B's - A 3.5gpa with a place on the honor roll. She was so thrilled when she received her copy at school that she brought it home immediately and showed us. This past Monday her progress report, dated a week before, was received in the mail. Nearly all of her grades slipped - And, not just a little. A's to C's. B's to D's. WHAT!?!?!

She actually got a copy that progress report at school last week, but somehow managed to "lose" it somewhere between school and home and still "forgot" to tell us about it. Coincidence that she loses the crappy report and forgets to tell us about it? I think not. We discovered that she had missing assignments, failed tests, and is even turning in her work LATE! There is no excuse for that, as we provide all the help she needs to do her work, and don't require her to do anything around the house until ALL of her work is complete. Now, we've gone by her word and by the work she writes down that she needs to do, but we have been deceived and many of the assignments aren't making it on her nightly homework to do list.

Unfortunately for all involved, until further notice, Katie is off the softball team. I can't express how horrible it was for us to do that, but like I mentioned above, schoolwork comes first. We understand the importance of teamwork, and that by not playing she's letting down her team. But, we have to instill good morals or we're not doing our job. In high school, the rules are the same. Maintain good grades to play. When we hear that her excuse for not getting her work done is that she didn't have time, we have to eliminate the problem. For this instance, the problem is softball. Some parents may look down on us for taking her out, citing a possible forfeiture if any other girl happens to be out for that particular week. But, again, if we don't take action now, and let her know we're serious, she'll never learn. Lucky for us her coach understands, and actually has the same rule in their household. Bad grades? No play. Simple execution of disciplinary action.....not so simple reactions from Katie or her friends.

We know that for the time being Katie isn't happy with us. The feeling is mutual. But, we also know that one day she'll completely understand why we've taken to these extreme measures to get our point across. Sometimes a good reality check can bring a person back to where they need to be. I hope that Katie can get there.

I believe that we've done the right thing...I really hope we have.

And I hope to never have to do it again.

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