Tuesday, January 26, 2010

God has a sense of humor

"Pretty mommy," exclaims Cooper while looking at PRINCESS FIONA on his stupid washcloth while bathing a few nights ago. What??!! Of all the people for him to compare me to; Cinderella, Belle, Aurora....He chooses an ogre. Now, mind you, I don't agree with him in the least. But, something is making him think I am similar.....I MUST change!!

It's no secret that I'm no barbie doll, and no secret that I really don't wish to be, either. For my entire life I have struggled with my weight, and for many years I have made resolutions upon the new year to lose the weight. One year, I succeeded...somewhat. And, I put it all back on a few years later. Being pregnant for nearly 2 of the last 4 years hasn't helped any.
Finally, however, I am more determined than ever to make me healthier not just for myself, but for the sake of my family. I can teach them to be healthy so that they don't make the same mistakes I've made. I intend to prove to myself that I can do it without any "fad" diets, or medical intervention. Just plain old getting healthy is the plan. And the first step? Vitamin D....Yeah, turns out I had a deficiency that can actually hinder weight loss and add weight, even though calories had been cut. To date, 10 pounds down. I'll document progress throughout the year but don't ever expect me to reveal my top weight. Actually, when I make it to my goal weight range I will reveal how heavy I started...Trust me, it'll make your stomach turn. So, I'll wait until I'm smaller to share that depressing news.

On my Facebook page today I asked if God was laughing at my family, at me for all the craziness that happens constantly in our life. Sickness, lack of sleep, doctors appointments, sports, "bonks," ..... A friend responded that she thinks God doesn't laugh at us, but rather is just happy when we laugh. Lucky for the man upstairs, I have a sense of humor. I don't know if I could make it through the day if I didn't.

As we sat down for dinner last night I placed the twins in their playpen. They were screaming, as it was 6:30 and I'm pretty sure they were tired. I thought I could eat fast enough for it not to bother me. Cooper was in his high chair refusing to eat his chili, shaking his head back and forth, screaming for "coffee" (Coopers name for soda) and hollering about this invisible "bonk" he had on his foot. Just minutes before this Corey had walked in the door after a long day at work AND an after work trip to Wal-Mart. Those of you in this area know that a 5 o'clock visit to Wal-mart is like retail suicide - Needless to say, he was already rattled when he walked in the door. After a couple minutes of screaming from all three little ones, I hopped up and began the dressdown - Baby1 - Jammies, diaper, bottle, swing. Baby 2- Jammies, diaper, bottle, swing. Nearly 20 minutes had passed now since I sat down with the family for dinner. Cooper continues to holler about the "bonk," Katie's going on about something that happened at school, while giving it the "drama queen" touch, and I'm thinking Corey's about to leave again just to get away from the noise. Finally, in an instant, silence. The babies are down. Cooper has momentarily settled, and Katie has stopped talking. I sit to eat as everyone else hops up and Corey heads with Cooper into the bathtub. Five minutes of quiet pass until Mackenzie wakes, intent on not falling asleep at this time. Once again, the circus begins. This night, it continues into the wee hours of the morning. So much for sleep tonight!!

Not all moments in this household are the screaming wild ones like this. I get moments of quiet and moments where the three little ones are playing happily with each other. I spend little time with my husband, but, we're learning to make the best of each moment. Cooper is learning to share and he becomes so proud of himself when he does. The girls are crawling, sometimes at the same time and in opposite directions. But, the joy in seeing them move is overwhelming. They play, they laugh, they move, they watch, they learn, and they love.

Now, I'm sure some of you are laughing at the thought of my above mentioned chaotic scene with some sort of relation to it. Some of you may have sympathy. Some of you are just glad you don't have 4 children. And some of you are probably happy you have no children. I'm happy to have all 4. I'm happy that these four beautiful kids keep me going and give me great things to write about. I'm even happy that my little boy thinks I look like princess Fiona. Hey, it's still royalty, folks!!

Today I was blessed with some quiet time while ALL THREE children napped simultaneously. And, to top off the already wonderful quiet time, my husband came home for lunch - A rare occurrence. So I got an hour with my husband today, just the two of us, without the screaming, the hunger, and chaos that usually graces our lives. And, just possibly, God is not laughing at me, or with me, for this hour.

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