Thursday, December 31, 2009

Twenty Ten, Here we come!

Here we are at the last day of 2009. What a year it has been. All around the world, we have experienced a year so full of events, that it will be hard to forget that it all happened in one year. As I look back on this year, I am so thankful for all that I have been given, as I know that many others were not as fortunate as me.

This year has been unlike any other I've experienced. There were good times, and there were scary times. But, through all of it, my family was there every step of the way.

Though I'm elated every day to see the beautiful faces upon my little twins, I wouldn't wish that kind of pregnancy on anyone. The beginning was great, and I felt great, for the most part. But, by the end of the pregnancy I was on bedrest, hoping to keep those babies in for as long as I could. The pre-eclampsia overtook my body, and I was left "dealing" with it, and spending a majority of my time in bed. Thankfully, I was able to keep them safe in my belly until they were 36 weeks along. Born via c-section, the girls arrived on March 20th small, but safe and well.

Cooper has joined the ranks of the "terrible two's." I swear, it's almost like every child is pre-programmed to freak out as soon as they turn two years old. If I didn't know any better, I would believe that they are all a part of an army, joining together to fight for what they believe in, for what they want, never giving in to the enemy, no matter what the consequence. Talk about a war! However strong his determination is to prove that terrible two's truly exist, he is the most loving, beautiful, precious little boy I've ever been lucky enough to know. And, best of all, he's mine and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world!

At eleven years of age, Kaitlyn has shown us the best, and worst, of what she is capable of. Leaving elementary school behind, and heading face first into middle school scared us all. But, Kate showed us that she's quite capable of handling the "new" world, and adjusted so much better than we'd imagined....Thank goodness. She also got to experience the joy and excitement of being asked to a dance for the first time. Rest assured, Corey and I didn't have that same excited feeling when she came home to announce that she'd been asked to a dance. But, being one of those things that comes along with middle school, we sucked it up, and let her go....NOT with the boy, but with a friend. She's lucky we didn't chaperone. Unusually tall, for someone in our family, she already towers above me, and above many of her friends. As much a hassle as it is to her under most circumstances, she might actually do some good with that height when she begins her basketball season in a couple of weeks - This will be the last time she is able to play for the Community Ed league. Next year, if she chooses to continue, she'll be playing for her school. It seems though, she already has her sights set on volleyball - I guess being a giant would benefit in that sport as well. In all, an adventurous year for her full of new beginnings, new friends and new experiences has paved the way for all the things she'll get to see and do through the next few years.

Oh what a year....And I couldn't have done it without my wonderful husband Corey. His faithfulness, his love for his family and his super intelligent brain, has helped me to keep this family safe and well. He works tirelessly, making sure to do all he can to ensure I can stay home with this family. Even though his back has been worse than any one's I've known, he pushed through, suffering excruciating pain on a daily basis, never knowing when it would get better or worse. Until just a few weeks ago, this was his life. And, then he met Tom Moline - Magician, witch doctor, native healer - I don't know what he does, or how he does it, but he saved Corey's back. He diagnosed the REAL problem and fixed it. This has improved his life greatly and I can't wait until he's back to his good ol' self! This year has also brought on some fantastic opportunities for him at work with local, and national programs. He has grown so much, professionally, over the past year. And, though I still see the child within him, it's the wonderful man he's become that I love the most. I think I heard him exclaim this year "I'm all growed up!"

It's the year we all "growed up." It's the year we found love. The year we learned that a beautiful voice doesn't have to have a smokin' body on a 21 year old to be successful. The year we saw that having 8 babies is possible (not recommended, but possible.) The year that "texting" boomed and that people are learning, one crash at a time, not to text while driving cars, trains and planes. And, we learned that the people of this nation no longer judge a person's ability to run a country based on skin color or heritage.

I hope that the next year proves to be better for us all, and that we continue to strive for the best for our country, our families and for ourselves. Twenty ten can be the year for change. It can be the year we discover great things. It can be the best year of our lives.

Cheers to all of you for a safe and happy new year!!

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