Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My confession

It's September. I can't believe it's September. This summer has passed by as if it were a breeze, hastily moving to get somewhere. It's flown by so fast that I can't remember some of the things I've done during that time. That may just be my exhausted brain, however.

Motherhood is a joy. And motherhood is work. Yet, here's what I hear: " You shouldn't think of parenthood as a job. Just think of all those mothers who HAVE to work and put their kids in daycare instead of being home playing and oogling and googling over all their children all day long." Blah, blah, blah.....If I had a nanny, a housekeeper, a groundskeeper, a cook and a home health nurse, then yeah, I could POSSIBLY oogle and google at my children all day without biting my tongue, shedding a tear, yelling at the wall or throwing my hands up in an effort to convince myself that it's OK to give up for the moment. It ain't easy and in my case I've got about the craziest scenario imaginable to work with - That is, the craziest scenario imaginable within the realm of normal sane people, unlike the craziness brought on with J&K plus 8 or Octomom. No, it's not a job. But it's work, and if anyone wants to argue that they can visit my house for a day.

The first month after the twins were born life was crazy, but it was due to constant hospital comings and goings and not due to crying or hysteria associated with having 4 children at home. But, as the girls get older, our pre-teen lashes out more often, and our boy becomes more of a toddler, things are getting more difficult by the day. I am blessed today to have all three younguns sleeping at the same time, allowing me to do something.....So I choose to blog. Hey, it's been a month! In a usual day the girls will find a way to make sure that one of them is always awake to keep an eye on me. Not often do they sleep simultaneously....And rarely do all THREE sleep at the same time.

The girls are now eating solids, and I still have yet to find the groove to getting that done peacefully. I can never feed them fast enough, and more often than not, one girl doesn't like one of the foods she's eating. This result is a good, hefty cry that requires me to feed the other a little faster. If a free hand is here (Kate, Corey, Maija) I usually wrangle em' in to assist in the feeding frenzy - Dinner time at our house resembles feeding time at a Monkey exhibit in a zoo. Rush, rush, cook, spoon it up, stir, "hush, baby, hush", Corey grab this, Katie grab that, Cooper sit down, Don't throw that on the floor, pick it up! I'm already exhausted just thinking about it.

I more often than not get so caught up in other things that I fall behind on the laundry. I find myself with all three hampers, fully loaded, a load in the basket still waiting to be folded, and, heaven help me, a load in the washer that I somehow forgot was in there...Maybe a few hours, maybe a day or two. I know as soon as I open the lid! The dishes get stacked and sometimes I end up leaving them in the evening and doing them in the morning when I find I have an inkling more energy and am able to crash and bang without waking a kid or two. My bathrooms are neglected, as the time I spend in there is quick, no matter the business, and to clean them would take lots of hands and knees time with some pretty intense cleaners.

And finally, like clockwork, all children in this family manage to get sick one right after the other. Now, I don't know what's worse: Having all kids sick at the same time and just getting it done and over with, or having one sick for two days, then another sick for another two days and so on and so forth - Illness now lasts a week or more at a time instead of a quick 24 hour bug. Corey and I don't have time to be sick. Yet, still, we are.

I confess: This is the hardest thing I have ever done. I have let a baby cry for a while if I know she's not hurt and I am doing something that needs immediate attention. I have given Cooper cookies or snacks and plopped him in front of the TV just to induce a moment free of insanity. I have bitten my nails down to the core. I have neglected my husband. I have yelled at Katie over the littlest thing and slapped my hand on the counter to get attention. I have accepted that baby puke is just a part of my wardrobe now and I can cry at the drop of a dime.

Maija has been my saving grace this year. She was by my side with Cooper while I was pregnant, battling to keep the babies in as long as possible. And, she's been my right hand man in helping with the kids, even with last minute notice, during this summer while Corey has been busy at work with his cherry and pear harvests. I thank my lucky stars to have her be the mother in law I was blessed with. I couldn't have done it this summer without her.

It's no wonder that I have headaches, chest pain, and I look hideous. But, if anything, a little confession never hurt anyone and is probably good for my soul. I'm not perfect. I get tired, frustrated, mad, even furious at some of life's happenings. It's all a part of growing with this family. I learn something new every day and, though it's tough for now, I get my share of smiles from the heavenly little things that my children do. I love my life and wouldn't change it for the world......dirt, poop, boogers, screaming and all.

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