Saturday, August 18, 2012

Dancing Queen

Here we are at the middle of August - The skies are dark and cloudy, the roads nearby are not bustling with farm workers and the quiet of my house has just been interrupted by three very loud little children who have suddenly decided to sword fight with their cereal spoons. Five days ago was nearly a polar opposite scene as the workers were out in the tens trimming the trees with their mariachi music blaring at 7am, the temperature had already reached 80 before dawn and the sounds of the heavy equipment surrounded our house as our driveway was being "paved" with the remnants of the recent reconstruction of highway 35.

Busy, busy week.

Yesterday I took the children to the annual 'Kids Fun Day' hosted by A Kidz Dental Zone here in Hood River. I had planned on taking the kids early (it began at 11am) to beat the 100 degree temps that were set to hit that afternoon, and stay 30 minutes or so. At 1:30 we were just finishing the BEAUTIFUL Face painting that the kids wanted and heading to the car. Yep - Two and a half hours in scorching temps, but, somehow we enjoyed every minute of it!

The kids won prizes, which helped their enthusiasm, and Rayla crashed a dance competition. My Rayla LOVES to dance, and when she heard the MC calling kids up to dance for a prize, she yelled out "I WANNA DANCE!" I said "Okay, we'll get you up there in a minute." I turned my head for a moment only to turn back and see that she had busted her chunky little butt right on stage and began dancing like a fool in front of all the little competitors! She put em' all to shame -  She was cheered on, of course, but, she eventually had to be escorted off because she WOULDN'T LEAVE!! It was hilarious! I was holding bags, t-shirts, prizes, water bottles and hands and thank goodness the beautiful little Tooth Fairy that be Hannah Hart who graciously escorted my Rayla off the stage into my arms. As Rayla ran to me, she asked "Did you see me, mom? I was dancing sooooo good, wasn't I?!?!?"

Yes, Rayla...your dancing stole the show my beautiful girl!

A year ago, or so, we had a little visitor in this house, who I never saw, but who my children named "not me." Apparently that little critter has returned, and is causing all sorts of commotion in this house. Now, as much as I hear that "Not Me" has done something, the more determined I am to find him. However, my children have informed me that no matter what I do, I'll NEVER be able to see him. (Or her, depending on who you ask.) What's even more amazing is when I call a child on something that they've done, and I saw it with my own two eyes, somehow "Not Me" still gets blamed. With tears in their eyes, they have no problem blaming him! Kinda makes me wanna scream sometimes, when I know that they've done something and they won't admit to it!! Stubborn kids....... wonder where they get that?

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