Saturday, October 22, 2011


Being a stay at home mother has lots of ups and downs. More ups than downs, though. One of my "go to" tasks, when I feel overwhelmed, is to make a list of things for certain reasons. List of things my children teach me, list of things that make me happy, list of things that I want to do while a stay at home mom are just a few of the things I've "listed." Today, I'm going to share with you one of such lists:

Things people in this household have learned this month

1.) Toddlers are quite capable of telling a fib. "I mean, seriously, that rank smell in your pants is NOT poop? And, yes, still, the cup you're holding upside down will dump the juice out. Please stop."

2.) I don't take my kids places enough. While driving to The Dalles yesterday the children were screeching in excitement over the rivers and trees they were seeing. It's not like they NEVER get out, but, jeez, they were acting like I've held them in a dungeon for years!

3.) I hate that damn cotton/polyester Halloween spider web decoration crap. I was an idiot to think that it was a good idea to have it in my home. And, that spider "web" we put up last week for decoration? Well, it now looks more like someone pulled the stuffing out of a pillow and stuck it on the window. :/

4.) My twins still think that the potty is where you go to sit and sing...not to actually use. "Oh, I just peed mom - I think it's time to go to the potty!........A, B, C, D, E....." I am still working vigilantly to see that they learn to pee IN the potty, and that's it's not meant as a reward throne.

5.) Apparently I was mistaken in thinking that books are to be read - My children seem to have created every other purpose for their books, other than reading. It's quite depressing.

6.) No matter how much I clean, my children will be right behind me dropping things like they're supposed to be there. "Uh, oh! Mommy's moving all our toys. After she vacuums, guys, lets put the toys back where she found them!! Silly, ol' mommy!!"

7.) If you haven't seen "Up All Night," the new TV show with Christina Applegate, then you should. Although they only have one child on the show, and we have 4, the thoughts that are put into their script are very much like the things that happen with me and Corey. You just might understand.

8.) The laundry will never get caught up. Ever. At least, not for 16 years at a minimum. Some article of clothing will always get put in the hamper right after I've loaded the last bundle of clothes into the washer. Always.

9.) It's not good to have a bad battery in your truck, while hunting on a mountain, at sunset, with no cell service. Yeah.

10.) Just because everyone liked that dinner I made once does not mean that they're going to like it again. In fact, the chances of that happening, ever, are slim to none.

11.) The children will always want whatever the other has. No matter how many toys this house is loaded with, they want THAT toy. It's the stupidest thing, and I don't know that I'll ever understand it. "This block, honey, is the SAME EXACT block that Kenzie has. No, it's not THAT block, but what's the difference? Oh, Kenzie has it, and that makes it special....that's the difference." For shits sake! Really?!?! lol

12.) "Screaming at me because you're angry at something does not help you get your way. It may get you a time out in your room - But it certainly won't make me give you what you want."

13.) "My sweet children, there is nothing in the garbage that should interest you. NOTHING. It may be colorful, it may have an odd odor, but you are never to investigate it's contents. Unless, that is, you've snuck into my room, taken my rings and decided that's where you're going to hide them."

Being a stay at home mother is by far the most isolating thing I've ever experienced. I talk to my kids so much that when I do get the chance to talk to an adult I probably sound like an idiot. But, if not for the opportunity to stay with my kids, I wouldn't get the chance to come to realizations like those above. And, because it could get depressing, I try to find the most comedic way to view my daily life. Not to say I haven't had my breakdowns - I have, and my poor husband has been at the forefront to bring me back to life. We all get worn down, torn down and depressed. We all have moments of ultimate sadness, moments of ultimate anger and moments of ultimate happiness. In the end, it's how we grasp those moments. It's how we respond to them. If there's one thing I know for sure, life is not perfect. But, the moments that create this life are. And without those perfect moments, I wouldn't be where I am today.

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