Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Eclectic Little Boogers

You know, life in this household is so unpredictable. And, just so you followers are aware, RARELY do I finish writing a blog on the same day I start.... Case in point:

I began this blog a few days ago with an ever so exaggerated litany of cheering on via caps lock the fact that all my children were healthy again. They had been sick since February 4, and it was about time they were better. Smiles were abound, laughing was rampant, and, for once in a long time, nobody was screaming because something hurt. My cheering on was an obvious jinx to myself, and my poor children because, yep, you guessed....they're all sick again!!!!

You must be thinking that it is something in this house. I thought that, too. But I clean, I sanitize, I disinfect, I run the humidifier (no mold, I checked), and still my little munchkins won't get well! Everyone in this household suffers from the dreaded allergies, too. We really could have done without that curse. Last week...Maybe even the week before, I honestly can't remember, I took Cooper back to the doctor because he was feverish again, coughing, sore throat and his throat was swollen and nasty looking. The doc said it may, or may not be, mononucleosis. Yeah - Kissing disease. Though heinously ridiculous to think that a child so young could get it, nothing seems to surprise me anymore. Besides, Cooper likes to kiss girls..... Wonder if his daddy was like that in preschool??

And, now, again, all are feverish, coughing, snotty, stuffy, and have a lack of appetite strong enough to scare any mother. Heaven knows that these kids are genetically bound to be "big boned" so I suppose eating a little less over a couple of days can't hurt em'! But, seriously...the sickness, still? I ended up taking Cooper back in to the urgent care clinic this past Saturday for the same thing he seemed to be getting better from just the previous week: swollen, sore tonsils, coughing, gagging..... See a pattern here? The doctors sure did. So, Cooper is going this week to see an ENT to consult on a tonsillectomy. At this point, I'm wondering if all three little ones are going to need this - I had a history of severe tonsil infections, and, according to my mother, absolutely should have had mine taken out when I was young. Corey had his taken out when he was 26 or 27 - That was the most miserable I think I'd seen him. But, knowing that we both have lifelong issues with this, I think it's safe to say that our children are predestined to be tonsillectomy candidates.

Softball season is upon us, and we're full swing into Katie's last little league season. She is 13, but since her birthday fell after the "too old for little league" cutoff date, she gets to play one more season than the rest of her friends. At first she was kind of leery, because she's a monstrous amazon child (5'8" and growing) who stood taller than everyone, including her coaches. Somehow, though, she still manages to fit in and have a great time. And, she's making some new friends in the process. New faces to the game have changed the tune of the game too - And even though games have started, the coach decided that practices will continue as well. They'll get no arguments from us!! And, to top off how proud we are of our little 13 year old Jekyll and Hyde, she made honorable mention on her report card this week! Yay, Katie!!!

And, what's my blog without a little bit o' Cooper to top it off? Allow me to share with you a conversation that my son had with the dermatologist's nurse yesterday:

Nurse: Hello Cooper, how are you today?
Cooper: My lip is thwelling.
Nurse: Oh, yeah....I see that. Did you eat something new?
Cooper: No, nothing new.
Nurse: Did you eat something bad?
Cooper: Yeah, it was bad. I ate a booger!

(we actually were there for his eczema, but he had a swollen lip that had appeared suddenly - No place like a Dermatologist office for something like that to happen)

Now, I'm fully aware that when my children know of this blog, can read it and understand it, I'll be at the top of their shit list for a while. But, hoping that they'll forgive me in the long run is what makes it easier to continue on.

Who would have thought that I would end up as the mother of four children? And, all mine to top it off? Not one of them is like another. Their personalities are different, their body shapes, their hair, their quirks - Not alike in any way! And, it's these eclectically charged personalities that makes this household tolerable in even the worst times. I'll be honest, there are days when I want to run away from it all. I want to shut the world out. I want there to be silence. I want to sleep. But, this is parenthood - And, until they're older, there's no such thing as silence or sleep.

Children, I concede to you!

1 comment:

  1. Love it Cara!!! At least via the blog I can keep up with you and your life.
