Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Discovery: Cooper

I have become a fan of the Discovery Channel over the years. That main channel has, however, expanded to reflect different focus groups. Now, there's Discovery Health, Discovery Kids, The Learning Channel, Nat Geo, the Food Network and even a Man channel. But, there is nothing more fascinating than the discoveries that occur in the home. Specifically, my home.

Lucky for me, I have the special honor of having front row seats in some of the most hysterical, hilarious discoveries that life can bring. And, lucky for everyone around me, my sense of humor significantly outweighs my anger button. Cooper is just a go-go-go as fast as he can toddler, and everything seems to call out to him "TOUCH ME!" A few weeks ago we went along with his sudden interest in potty training. This was awesome, as this was something that he decided all on his own and was so excited to do it. We purchased a new potty chair that played a funky celebratory tune when poo or pee hit the bowl, and he loved it so much. Well, one happy afternoon (thankfully it wasn't 100 degrees outside) I put Cooper down for his nap. As usual, he sang for quite a while. This day he sang a bit longer than usual, so I called in for him to hush and go to sleep. 10 minutes later, the singing resumed. Again, I called out a naptime reminder. A few minutes later, I heard more singing. The last baby had finally fallen asleep, so I went to Coop's room to see what the problem was. The problem hit me like a ton of bricks before I even turned the corner to his room, but the scene in his room left me at a loss for words. That poor baby had pooped in his diaper, but was runny and bothersome for him. So, he played. He painted his walls. He painted his crib. He painted faces on his toys. He covered his blankies, sheets and crib bumper. And, he painted himself. The only poo free part of him was his head and face. Everything else: brown. He knew it was gross, but he just couldn't help himself. Since then, he won't touch his diaper, and he won't use the potty chair well. He traumatized himself!! lol

Today, Cooper was helping me with his little sisters. I sat Mackenzie next to Coop and he put his arm around her. Very cute. His hand came around and landed just under her mouth, which happened to be dripping with drool. He pulled his hand away and looked at the drool. Most kids would wipe it off. Not my boy! He's so inquisitive that he had to TASTE it! I laughed till I cried and reminded him that we don't swap spit with siblings. Funnier yet, he did this shortly after she got a Tylenol dose, so her slobber was tinged with sweetness. He didn't care that it was wrong. He happily exclaimed "Num Num!!" Oh so stinkin' funny! I hope he doesn't do it again, though......

Also today - Yeah, it's been one of those days - Coop found my tube of Strawberry Chapstick. He opened the lid and must have smelled the sweetness, cause' just a couple minutes after he was out of my sight I heard "Ptooey, smack, smack, ptooey, blech, lnalanalanlanal, mama!" He ate the whole tube of chapstick. Swallowed it down! Well, almost all of it. Some of it remained on his teeth and in his cheeks in super sticky form. I thought he'd learned his lesson when just last week dad caught him with a tube of chapstick with a big ol' chunk bitten right off the top. Imagine if it was lip STICK - Oh what a mess that would be!!

What a blessing it is for me to be able to share these little incidents that bring such a smile to my heart. I am thankful that I have such a curious little boy and that he is bold enough to go where this mommy has never been before. I love him so and can't wait (believe it or not) for his next adventure. I do hope that poop is not involved........

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