Thursday, May 21, 2009

Change is GOOD!

Welcome to the new and improved blogsite for the daily sitcom we call our lives. I thought it was a little silly to keep blogging under "yasuitwinsontheway" since the chickadees are already here. In a way this new blog is my way of creating a new way to share stories and life happenings. The past couple of days I have felt inspired, creative and even attentive to my surroundings in an artistic way. For the first time in who knows how long I stared at our walls imagining colors that would compliment our living room, dining room and kitchen. I am the least motivated person when it comes to home improvements, so that's a big thing for me. Red seems to be out, or so says the home decorators on HGTV. Green could work, but it would have to be a sagey green. Blue? Nope. Orange.....our playroom is orange and it's fantastic. But the living room? Hmm. Purple. Now that's a good color. Actually, plum or a dark lavender - With green! I may have just blogged myself a redecorated house! Poor Corey.

Our babies just turned 2 months old yesterday - Hard to believe that it's been 2 months. Time just flies so fast. They go in tomorrow for their 2 month well baby check and I am so excited for the doctor to see how much progress they've made since mid April, when he saw them last. We have worked so hard to make sure the girls grow appropriately and we have finally been able to whip out a large amount of clothes (besides the tiny one piece jammies they wore) and dress them up. We've had out dresses, pants sets, short sets and little rompers. Oh how cute they are. And thanks to all the wonderful people who gifted all these beautiful clothes our girls will be well dressed for months to come. I'm also happy to report that as of today, we still have not had to purchase one package of diapers. That diaper gift drawing at the shower was by far one of the best gift ideas that could have been given to us. We still have 7 or 8 packages of diapers to use and are so thankful for that blessing. A new expense that we never had in past infant times was formula. I breastfed (bottlefed with breastmilk too) both Katie and Cooper for several months. Cooper refused to take a bottle for months, and did so only if he was starving while being cared for by someone else. Having two babies to breastfeed exclusively,though, was not something I could conquer. I pump milk for them, and occasionally we have that bonding nursing time, but these are definitely bottle babies. I'm OK with that, as we are ALL happy with the arrangement, and they are still getting breastmilk.

Today, I ventured to town with Cooper, Mackenzie and Rayla in tow......Alone! I was a little scared that I was making the biggest mistake of my life by doing it alone, and not having another set of hands to help me out. But, thank God, these little angels were just that.....perfect angels! All three of them behaved perfectly, and at one point I even had Cooper just walk by my side while the girls were in the stroller. My double stroller is my savior. I have used it almost every time I have been somewhere with the girls and today during one stop even Cooper got to use it. Cooper was in the front seat, Rayla in the second seat and Mackenzie was in a carrier on my chest. It felt somewhat normal to me, but apparently it was quite an attraction for most everyone else. People stopped, stared, and I even saw a couple people shake their heads. Though I'm not sure whether they were shaking their heads at how ridiculous they thought I looked or whether it was a gesture of a compliment, I am sure that I am proud of myself for doing it alone. I didn't know if I could, and I did it. And it was much easier than I thought it would be. Hopefully, that trend continues.

With just 2 1/2 weeks left until school is out Katie is finishing up state tests, reading assignments and art projects she has at school. I went to her middle school orientation last week - Eek! My little big girl is headed to jr. high. I remember my 6th grade year and it was something. Corey has stories about his year too that just scare the hell out of me as far as what Katie will experience herself. I went to my first dance, had my first "boyfriend" and even got my first kiss, all in the 6th grade. Something tells me that those things aren't as innocent anymore as they used to be, though I hope they are!

So as I type away on this blog with new beginnings in mind, the new beginnings aren't just for me. It's a new school for Katie. It's a new year for Cooper. A new clothes size for the girls. A new harvest season approaching for Corey and a new outlook on life for me. Tomorrow night I will be going out with some girlfriends for a much needed girls night out with dinner and maybe a drink or two. I'm going to do it more often than once every 7 or 8 months, and maybe I'll even get motivated to do some other "new" things. I am currently looking into a couple things that might just improve me in ways I'd only hoped for. I'll report on the progress of that later.

It's refreshing to have such great kids, such a great husband, and such an easy life. I love all I have and hope that everyone finds happiness in the ways I have......It's something that all the money in the world couldn't buy. And if you had to buy it, it's about as worthless as a penny in a laundromat!

1 comment:

  1. We're all here for Sunday dinner at Mom's.....inari sushi, yum! After dinner, its always a ritual to go through all the cards and messages she's received since the last time we were over (she's the correspondent for the
    Seattle relatives!) It's so much fun for us to see the kids by looking on the internet. Auntie Molly can't quite figure out how those photos got there, but we love seeing Mac and Rayla. And, Cooper really looks like a Yasui...that look of mischief in his face! But, we're shocked to see how mature Katie is...could this be Katie, we said!

    Glad the babies are doing fine now.....

    Say hi to everyone!

    love from the Mariners, Ichiro and the Seattle family,
    Molly, Diane and Rich and Sharon
    Lea is off to Nascar races in N. Carolina this weekend......must be nice to be young again.
