Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Rediscovery Resolution

September 25, 2013. That was the date of my last blog entry. Oh, dear..... But, here I am on New Year's Eve, typing away to make up for all the lost time. What a busy few months it has been. Still catching my breath, I sit here thinking about what 2014 holds for me. I'm quite optimistic.

To sum up our year: Fast. There was so much "stuff" that happened in the past year, yet it is hard to think that it all happened in a year. Most of it seems like it happened within the last month - But, that could be because the holidays are always a busy time of year for us.

Katie turned 15 in March, and, although she wasn't quick to run to the DMV to get her driver's permit, she finally passed her test on Friday, December 13th. She's thrilled, as are we. But, I can't say that I'm thankful to be teaching her to drive. The one time I've driven with her so far I was so nervous I grabbed the wheel in fear that she was heading for a ditch. Yeah.....Dad's a better teacher, for sure!! Halloween got here so fast that our kids nearly didn't have the costumes they wanted. Thank goodness for a little last minute luck, as well as a dry, fairly warm evening....Not something that we're used to having! Thanksgiving came and went in a blur. Christmas screamed up on us, and has since passed into calendar oblivion. The Christmas decorations are already down, it's 50 degrees outside, and, although I have no plans to go out tonight to ring in the New Year I am dressed in what my husband would consider "date night" attire....I just went to town, but I looked good doing it!! Truth be told, one of my new "goals" that I've decided to enforce upon myself before the new year is dressing better. This frumpy mama was beginning to wear sweats and t-shirts around the house, and I caught it myself....So, I'm fixing it myself as well.

2013 brought forth some great events, as well as some unfortunate realities. Most of my disappointments this year came from adults. As it should be....But, not in the ways that I thought I would find disappointment. So, my list of resolutions are not your generic "lose weight, be nicer, be a better mom" kind of crap that seems to be a common thing on every one's lists year after year. This year, they're different....But, all based upon my #1 resolution.

Resolution #5. Spend less time on Facebook. Much of my disappointment this year came from others' posts on Facebook, and in many cases others blatant disrespect to all the others reading their posts was nearly appalling. In less than a year, I read posts about how horrible or fat people thought their children either were, or looked in pictures. I saw constant complaints about all the things that some didn't have - Sometimes those people actually criticized others for what they did have. I saw people forcing their ideals and preferences in my face, sometimes without having a factual basis for their posts. (Get the facts to back up your accusations, folks.) So, less time on Facebook for me.....Cause' I just can't deal with the nonsense and drama that people can't help themselves to, and my kids need me more than the majority of the "friends" on Facebook who probably haven't seen me in over a decade and don't really care what I'm doing from one day to the next! Yeah, there might be a burnout in it's beginning stages here.

Resolution #4. Get outside. It could be exercise, it could be gardening, or just sitting while the kids run. There's no reason that I shouldn't get outside for a little more vitamin D......Natural happiness!

Resolution #3. Speak up. Now, this is a broad resolution, because this means everything from calling BS, to voicing my opinion. If I see or hear something that leaves me with questions, I'm going to ask them.  Over the past few years I have become the person who keeps quiet and leaves well enough alone. This has, sometimes, caused turmoil in my heart, which is unhealthy. How are we, grown, responsible adults, supposed to teach our children the best ways to succeed if we can't overcome our insatiable need to get further by cheating, or throwing aside moral values? I see it SO often, and it's disheartening. Be respectful, friends. Be teachers. Be leaders. Be honest. Our future (literally) depends on us.

Resolution #2. Document a little more. I hope to blog a more than 5 times a year, take more pictures, write down memories faster and cherish the little moments more often. Time moves at the speed of life, and it's faster than I can keep up with. So, hopefully the digital age will help me along this year in gathering pieces to my life puzzle.

Resolution #1. Rediscover myself. This, too, is a broad resolution. Everything from dressing better, finding my place in life to everything I've listed above is a part of figuring out who I am. See, I thought I knew who I was. Secure in my life, a marriage, children a job and a home. Six and a half years ago I became a stay at home mom and, although I LOVE being here and available to my kids, I've lost quite a bit of who I was. Not to say that the person I am now isn't better, but, for the moment, I feel a little lost. So, I want to find my balance. Hopefully this year I will figure out what that balance is, somehow working toward contributing to bettering not just me, but others. I don't know where I will end up, but later this year will mark the end of the daycare time for me. My babies will all be in school full time, and, although staying at home....a quiet home....sounds REALLY nice, I like to make a difference and am unsure if I can do that from home. My greatest time was with Providence. They took care of me, and I loved what I did there. I hope to return there, but we'll see! I am excited to see what opportunities arise for me this year. It's a big year, and by the end of 2014 I hope to "report" back with a years worth of fantastic changes for us all.

So, here's to all of us rediscovering who we are, making the best of the cards we're dealt and cherishing what we have. 
I think it's gonna be a good year! 

(Happy New Year!!)