Monday, May 20, 2013

I Didn't Hear You Right

Father's day is coming up, or so I've been told....a time or two. I still struggle with the yearly battle of what to get my husband for Father's Day. I struggle with every other holiday, too, to be honest. More often than not, he will tell me what he wants, then, either before I've had a chance to save up and get him what he wants, or after I've already purchased it, Corey gets that itch that won't go away and ends up getting it himself. I can't even count on one hand how many times that has happened. Or, and I love this one, we'll have a conversation about something and I get a "hint" of something that he might like and stash it in my memory bank for future holidays. Somehow, I usually get the hints wrong. For instance, for his birthday, I purchased him a mandolin. I bought it months ahead of his birthday with pride, thinking that he'd think this was such a cool gift. I could have sworn that sometime in the past year we had discussed different instruments that he'd like, and a mandolin was one of them. Well, he opened it up and said "Huh. A mandolin. I've never even thought about one of these! Where'd you get that idea, Cara?" Haha....Funny. Really, really funny.  Well, it was funny....apparently that conversation we had included some electric guitar that I still couldn't identify if my life depended on it and MAYBE a banjo....but, maybe not even that!! Oh, silly me. Well, although he said that he would be happy to learn to play it, I told him that I would promptly return it and he could pick out whatever he wanted to whether it be an instrument or just money put into the savings pot for his dream golf clubs. It turns out that I didn't read the small print from the site I ordered it from. NO RETURNS. Well, shit. Fortunately, I'm a Facebook junkie and I'm associated with a page on there for a local "online yard sale". It sold in less than a day. He got the cash present and I still have no idea what I got him for his birthday....
Father's day should be interesting.....