Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cell Mate for Life

When our grandparents were young, the telephone had just made it's debut. When our parents were young the rotary phone was introduced. When we were young, the fascination of the light up push button phones was a memorable highlight. In my generation, the phone has progressed from that little corded light up phone, to the big bulky cordless phone, to the digital cordless to the life essential cell phone that nearly every person I know, some kids included, carry everywhere.

Telephone etiquette has drastically changed over the years, and it's not a strange sight to see someone deep in conversation on their phone, dramatically expressing their happiness, disgust or excitement for all around to share with them. But, if you're like me, you don't share in that joy. In fact, I hate it when people purposely talk loud in a public place while on their cell phone. Not much truly irritates me. That selfish act of attention getting just makes me want to puke. Not only is it poor judgement on the callers part, but I REALLY don't want to know whether Joe Cool has a date with Stacy Somebody or what momma Jean is making for dinner that night. Some people have good etiquette. When those people get on the phone they're not making a spectacle of themselves, and usually, they keep their calls short. Sure, I've made my share of calls while in a store, or answered a call in public. But, if you ask my husband, those calls are usually made in panic mode and I often don't answer the phone if I'm in a public place. If I do, I ask the caller if I can call them back. That's the courteous thing to do. Besides, if I wanted to share my personal stuff I'd blog!

One of the silliest things I've seen in my recent years is the wireless ear phone that people insist on wearing like it's a part of their wardrobe. First of all, it looks ridiculous. I mean, if someones going to design an ear phone, at least try not to make it look like someone has lost half of their walkman headphones. The other stupid thing about those phones is that you never know when someones on the phone! So, when you go up to a person who's wearing one, ask them a question, and they start shooting off some random thing about where something goes, or when to pick someone up, you realize that they're actually on a call and feel like the poop head for "interrupting" their phone call. I think those phones were invented for the sole purpose of irritating and humiliating all of humankind.

Then there's the bluetooth. Oregon has recently passed the law that you cannot talk on the phone while driving. That was one of the smartest moves by Oregon law makers. Now, if we can just get those who text while driving to stop that, we'll be set. My car has an integrated bluetooth system which allows me to push a button on my steering wheel to answer and end a call, listen to the caller through the speaker system, and speak to them via a microphone installed in the roof of the car. For the most part, it's fantastic. But, trying to talk to someone when it's raining or windy is impossible. The microphone in the roof also picks up sounds coming in through the roof - So when it's rainy and I'm on the phone it actually sounds like I'm in a hurricane. My only worry now is that one day I'll have a car full of people and my husband will call and say something naughty to me....For all my car load to hear. hmmmm....

This whole "cell phone" rampage that I'm on is brought on by a recent experience I had that I must share.

I was at a funeral a couple of weeks ago at the Willamette National Cemetery in Portland. While the service was being held, and a poem was being read, someones cell phone rang. I looked over to notice that the man's eldest daughter was scrambling for her phone. My first instinct told me that "whoops, she forgot to turn it off!" and assumed the was hurrying to turn it off. But, no. This dumb broad ANSWERED HER PHONE!! Yeah, in the middle of her FATHER'S funeral she answers her phone, speaks loudly, and informs the friend that she's talking to that she's, in fact, sitting at her fathers funeral service! HOLY CRAP INCONSIDERATE WORST CHILD IN THE WORLD AWARD!! My jaw dropped, along with most everyone else who saw this horrid act of random stupidity. I think that in my life that must be the most inappropriate action I've ever seen. One I'll never forget.

So, really, are cell phones that important? Is it true that people can't live without them? They can't live without texting, tweeting or taking that unimportant phone call at the most inopportune time? What's this world coming to? And the next time you get on the phone, will you be thinking about how your phone call is affecting others? If you don' should.