Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Forgive me readers for I have sinned......It's been well over a month since my last blog session.

Baby Kenzie has adjusted very well to her new butterfly helmet. At first, it seemed so invasive, so large and so hard to have on our baby's head. But, with practice and a week and a half of constant wearing, we're all used to it now, and it's no big deal. She wears this helmet 23 hours a day, 7 days a week. The one hour that she gets to have it off she gets bathed (this poor baby smells so bad after wearing that thing for 23 hours) and the helmet gets washed. After the helmet comes off, and with a tongue hanging out and an "I'm FREE!" kind of smirk on her face, Kenzie rubs her head back and forth like a retarded cat high on catnip on whatever she's leaning against; couch, mom, dad, floor, playpen, swing. It becomes such a relief to her to be able to move her head without that helmet on, and I can't imagine being in her place. I do, however, feel a slight guilt in putting her in the thing, and think sometimes that I should find a helmet to put myself in for fairness sake. Lucky for me, that's just a thought and not a true inclination. A few months in the helmet and she'll be as round as her little sister!

As of late, I haven't been able to help anyone do anything and I'm beginning to feel a little bad for all the help I've recruited over the past few months for childcare - especially Maija. She's been there through thick and thin, well planned and short notice for one or all of the children. I thank her, and thank anyone who helps. But, still, I feel like I need to give more. The appointment schedule that I must keep for the children is as hair raising as nails on a chalkboard. It never seems to end - I e-mailed a list of all appointments through the end of the year (that were scheduled) to Corey and as I was typing one appointment after another I just couldn't believe my eyes. Were there really 16 appointments and events to keep up with in the next MONTH?? It was unreal. No wonder I can't help anyone out....I can barely help myself!

Just yesterday I was reminded that even when life gets too hectic, it can make a person's day just by letting them know you're thinking about them. I was the recipient of the good thought - My friend Paula, a wonderful woman who I have known for two time out of her busy schedule to design a card with a compilation of pictures that I had posted on facebook, or sent out in personal emails, that included a little note thanking me for sharing my life moments with her. Who would have thought to do that? Certainly not least not until now. I mean, I was so enlightened to know that she was thinking about me, my family. And I've been such a tool about staying in contact with her. I regret that, and that little gesture of hers has reminded me that I need to remind the people in my life, near or far, that it's good to know them. I should remind them that they make me happy....They are a part of me.

Several years ago Corey and I participated in the search for Corey's aunt Tazu Higashi - She went missing from Lake Oswego in January 2006. The story didn't have a happy ending, as many of you know, but the affect it had on my heart to just help to look for her was overwhelming. Tazu's immediate family was so grateful to everyone's desire to help find her, and thanked us again and again and again. To this day, I can remember how good it felt to help out - To be a small part of something so big.

It only takes a moment to let someone know you care or to stop and help someone in need. It could be the ultimate gift.......a lifesaver to some. But, if you can't help someone, you can thank someone. I've learned that lesson all too well the past year. So, thank you Maija, Kim, Kathy and Niko for your willingness to help care for our clan when we need to be somewhere. Thank you Corey for being the rock you are, working hard to provide for this family. Thank you friends for including me in your life. Thank you Paula, for reminding me that it's good to give......Give love, give hope, give happiness, give thanks and give life. I guess it's fitting for the upcoming holiday.

So, to all my dedicated readers, Happy Thanksgiving - Whatever that might mean to you!